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    Inject With Lex Business Course: Master of One - Injectables

    • Inject With Lex Business Course: Master of One - Injectables

$75: Purchase today, and have access to the training for 72 hours from the date of purchase!

  • The perfect introductory business and marketing course for those that are new to aesthetic practice!

  • There are many ways to practice in aesthetics, the most prevalent being the one-stop shop. This course dissects the “master of one” model to better understand how the hyper-focused approach to business is disrupting industry norms—all while enhancing the client experience, raising the bar in expertise and safety, maximizing profitability, and remaining recession-proof and COVID-proof.

  • This course is ideal for the clinician just starting out in aesthetic practice, the clinician thinking about pivoting to a hyper-focused business model, or a non-clinician business owner interested in exploring the "master of one" model in aesthetic practice

  • Following purchase, please email [email protected] (not .com) with the following information: full name, type of clinician (if applicable), license number / state(s) of licensure (if applicable), mailing address, course date

  • Business / marketing consulting hours are also available with the LexRx team at $475/hour--email [email protected] (not .com) for more information!